Holistic Services

Victoria Downing -Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Victoria is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) and is certified in four somatic-based yoga styles: Hatha, Raja Yoga, Yoga Nidra (guided meditation), and Yoga Therapy. She combines these gentle and transformative healing processes to private groups and in private sessions, using an open, encouraging and intuitive style. She also offers private concierge services (immersion weekends) to interested clients.

Regardless of what is happening in your life, know that it will be ok. With Victoria as your guide, it’s possible to remember your wholeness and return back to it again

Somatic Experiencing

Crystal Healing is intentionally working with crystal energy to positively influence our own energy to the benefit of our emotional,  physical, and mental well being.

Crystal Healing

Meghan La Roque

Meghan is an IIN Certified Integrative Health, Lifestyle and Business Coach. She is dedicated to helping clients achieve optimal health, life, and career success through a comprehensive, whole-person approach that encompasses the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of well-being. She holds certifications in The Gene Keys, AcuPresence and Reiki and is currently enrolled in Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program as well as FNA’s Functional Nutrition Counseling Certification Program further enriching her ability to support clients on their holistic journey to wellness and success.

Click the Link Below to book a Human Design, Gene Keys, Integrative Health or Life Path Session.