
Marilyn Mackey

  • Marilyn has been Reading Tea Leaves for over 30 years. Over that time she has developed as a medium and medical intuitive as well as a counselor to help clients begin to resolve any problems or blockages they may be encountering in their lives, whether emotional, physical or spiritual in nature.

  • $40 for 15 minutes


Alexxis Avalon

  • Dr. Alexxis Avalon's focus is to assist those on the path of life through Tarot, Astrology, and Feng Shui.

  • $40 for 15 minutes


Meghan La Roque

  • The Human Design System blends ancient wisdom with modern science, offering a powerful tool for self-discovery. By understanding your unique Human Design, you can uncover what sets you apart from others. This system provides deep insights into your psychology, along with strategies and techniques for making decisions that align with your true self, ultimately leading to deep satisfaction and fulfillment.

  • $80 for 30 minutes